“Princess Of Cuteness” Rainie Yang, after first two Mandarin albums had a great result, feels that her third one took more than a year and half to work out, finally, on September 7, “Free Gate” was released! Labeled by the music company as “Princess Of Cuteness,” she says that she doesn’t like that title, because she actually has a lot of different personalities. In side her heart, “cute” should really mean cute, not being fake cute or cool type of cute, and shouldn’t be a weird type of cute! So this time, Rainie Yang will unfold herself with a different personality. Since “Free Gate,” she hopes that her fans will open the free gate and hear the album she put a lot of efforts in, and see her work hard to do a good job in performing!
Many fans supported Rainie 100% in her leading role in the top idol drama “Why Why Love.” After hearing “Breathless” and “Perfect Ratio,” were worked on the hardest before the album was released, the lyrics were discussed a lot. Sweet, beautiful, and attractive song “Breathless” has continued to help Rainie adapt to singing a young girl’s love song. Also, the song “Ambiguity” has made her work hard, “Over Sensitive” has made her feel hurt. Without “Ambituigy” or “Over Sensitive” to hurt her on the inside, Rainie has sung other happy songs, hoping that the audiences will have a change of mood! The lyrics, “Thinking you will sometimes be breathless, face is red and breathing not normal, this is the most happy situation, unknowingly breathless…” has made many people think of pure thoughts, and has made people feel a small feeling of nasality in the melody. It also reminds people of the first time they saw their love.
Rainie Yang’s third album, “Free Gate” with special song “Free Gate” is a great song, Rainie hopes she has passed the audiences tests for singing a song with that kind of mood, hopefully she has let everybody understand her songs of happiness, allowing fans to laugh and be happy!
source: http://asianfanatics.net/forum/Rainie-Yang-Princess-of-Cuteness-Speaks-About-Third-Album-talk526099.html
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