Ariel Lin at her "Ariel Lin's NY Bagel Diary" book signing function was proposed by a home guy fan, because the situation was sudden, the crew were worried so they took him away, Ariel just had a startled face, she said: "This is the first time I've ever been proposed, this is happening too quickly!"
6th day Ariel took the speed train to Taipei, Kaosiung for the book signing event, the amount of fans attending was uncountable, so she could only lower her head to keep signing.
After signing for a half a day, a home guy fan suddenly asked Ariel for her number, and said: "I want to get married with you, marry me!" Ariel's mom and brother visiting were also on the side and saw this whole sudden scene of proposal, causing Ariel to feel awkard and embarassed.
The long waited experience of a proposal is suddenly gone, Ariel said she was a little disappointed, and said: her ideal proposal is her other half would let her have the feeling of using the heart, she said: "seeing Ma Ying Jiu proposing to Zhou Mei Qing after 16 times until success, is quite special."
source: http://asianfanatics.net/forum/Silly-Home-Guy-Fan-Proposes-Ariel-Disappointed-talk524364.html
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