The handsome Jimmy Lin debuted 16 years ago (at 17) in 1992. The Little Whirlwind swept thru Aisa but it seems that time has not left its marks on his face. He looks just like he was 15 years ago, only with a little maturity.
Jimmy is a timeless legend. He was the mischievous Xiao YuEr. Since The Legendary Siblings his road to stardom has been very smooth. He won the Most Popular Actor award in the Asian Film Festival with the movie Ang Yee (1999). The Legendary Siblings and Lu Xiao Feng were popular not only in Taiwan but in Hong Kong. His popularity rose again with Tian Long Ba Bu. But most of the roles he took are more or less the same, like the cute Si Mao, to Xiao YuEr, then to Du Yu in Tian Long Ba Bu. Even though his acting skills are mature but because of his babyface all his roles have been childish.
There are no doubts about Jimmy’s acting skills. His new role as LiShiMin in ShaoLinSi 2 is a breakthrough. LiShiMin is a young man in ShaoLinSi 2 but he is a nobility and a general. He shoulders the burdens of the people. LiShiMin is a mature and responsible man in personality and actions. Jimmy’s role as LiShiMin is an attempt to change to a more mature image. He is working hard to broaden his roles in acting.
Jimmy was the young king Du Yu for a few days in Tian Long Ba Bu. This time he shreds off his childishness and ascends to the throne to become the handsome Tang emperor LiShiMin. He takes command on the battlefield. His portrayal is true to history because LiShiMin was a very handsome emperor. Jimmy’s LiShiMin is dashing and gallant. We believe his change will be successful.
source: http://asianfanatics.net/forum/Jimmy-Lin-s-attempt-to-change-his-image-as-the-mature-LiShiMin-in-ShaoLinSi-2-talk535537.html
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