The day before yesterday Wu Zun, Charlene Choi, Hu Ge, Director Ma, etc. finally hold an interview/press section after filming Kung Fu Lovers for a month at Shanghai. There have been news recently that targets all the casts. Starting with Charlene, in the past week reports have been saying she have temper while filming. When asked about this Charlene said she is a person that have high expectations, and so when she can't do something she will get fustrated. Wu Zun standing next to her when asked if she have tempers said "Really? She have temper?" He joked and said, "It is probably because she doesn't have her food that is why she throws temper, I never saw her throw a temper!" It was reveal that Charlene really likes to eat and would asked the crew where are good places to eat in Shanghai. Previously, there have been news about their big eating habits already, but Charlene admits to losing to Wu Zun, and Wu Zun said that he knows that Charlene likes to eat and would like to try some of her dishes.
Recently, during an interview Ella, revealed that she have a deep relationship with someone in the industry and wish that person would turn back. A lot of reporters assume the person is Wu Zun, so the reporters while interviewing also asked Wu Zun about this inccident. Wu Zun said that he and Ella are like sisters and brothers, and ever since filming together they have become good friends, he too doesn't know who the guy is. When pressed by the reporters more about the inccident, Wu Zun laughed and said "you guys are always the one that make the news about me," then he and changes the subject.
The reporters than asked now that Charlene and Wu Zun have worked for a while now, then they wouldn't have any problem making intimate scenes then. Charlene replied wittly, "Well, you guys will have to watch it to see." Chun immediately using his Cantonese "well, spoken (answered)." Charlene went on to say, for any actors working the first few days are always alittle awkward, but after working for awhile we have no awkwardness anymore. During the interview, Charlene also praise Wu Zun as a very good new comer actor and very professional, while Wu Zun said Charlene really really knows how to speak. The whole time through the interview atmosphere around the two was very lively.
There is also news saying Wu Zun and Hu Ge are trying to be the next best new actor. Both actors appeared very friendly through the whole event, and everyone agree that everyone is working really well with eachother. Hu Ge said that he taught Charlene how to say some numbers and words using shanghai dialects, and the cast are helping him to get the best angle to film, due to scar on his face from a car accident. He also disclose after filming Kung Fu Lovers, he will need to go to South Korea to do another section of surgery.
The Movie Kung Fu Lovers have attracted alot of press and audiences because the idol cast and the new take on the well known love story Butterfly Lovers. Driector Ma said several points in his film. He said he really like the cast and think it is perfect. He said he really like Charlene's feminine abilities and hope to show that side off to the audiences, he also praise Wu zun to be very professional and always asked for direction or guidence to make the movie come out at its best. When asked Director Ma what the ending will be like, Director Ma disclose, I believe Guys are not suppose to be like the old version and died at the ending by puking blood, instead guys are suppose to fight for their love and if they lose they can't say anything. So I have definitely change the story abit, and have my own take on it... It was also disclose that the film is now coming out in September!!
source: http://asianfanatics.net/forum/Wu-Zun-clarify-rumors-Charlene-does-not-have-temper-talk537465.html
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